We will convert from a disposal to a repair society.
Or perish.
Replacing trolley
wheels pays !
If your suitcase is allright otherwise, a replacemet is worth it. Check prices !
Get better wheels
than OEM ones !
We'll replace standard trolley wheels with ball bearing type for noise reduction and easy handling.
waste !
A suitcase discarded unnecessarily causes ~3-6 kilos of plastic waste. With a economically sensible repair, we provide a small contribution against the disposable madness of our society.
What we can do.
In most cases, we can help. Normally, we remove wheels from wheel gears and install new ball bearing wheels with bolted axles. Even in special cases, we often can offer a solution. For example, we can insert metal washers for reinforcement, strengthen damaged wheel housings with steel plate and replace the destroyed wheel gears with castors made of steel.
Infos zur Reparatur und dem Austausch von Koffergriffen finden Sie HIER.
Where we are out of the game.
Unfortunately not, we can help, if
- the wheel gear as well as the moulded part attached to the suitcase have disappeared,
- the moulded part for the wheel holder is broken or seriously damaged, or
- a case corner is completely destroyed.
There are so many different types of wheel gears that we cannot procure the variety of spare parts. In case of a missing wheel gear, you can try to find spare parts at one of the well-known internet retailers. The chances of finding the appropriate part, however, are very small. Here we regret having to surrender.
If you want to be on the safe side...
Wenn Sie ganz sicher gehen wollen, schicken Sie uns bitte Bilder der Räder/Rollen und der Radhalter/Radhäuser Ihres Koffers. Bitte nehmen Sie die Bilder aus ca. 1m Abstand auf, und geben Sie auch eine Rufnummer an, gelegentlich ist Rücksprache notwendig.
Hersteller und Typenbezeichnungen oder die Maße von Koffer oder Radhalter nützen uns gar nichts, bitte geben Sie diese nicht an. Bitte fragen Sie uns auch nicht nach Original-Ersatzteilen – wir haben keine.
Ihren Koffer können Sie derzeit
- in Deutschland in Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Hannover, München, Nürnberg, Duisburg and Freiburg / Br. – sowie
- in der Schweiz in Zürich
abgeben. Unsere Annahmestellen mit allen Details finden sie here. Die Bearbeitungszeit beträgt normalerweise 1-2 Wochen – bei besonderer Dringlichkeit können wir oft auch schneller. Weitere Annahmestellen sind in Vorbereitung, andere im Gespräch.
Dispatch Repair Service
Unseren deutschen Versanddienst finden Sie hier:
Dort sind auch Adresse, Konditionen und zahlreiche Versandhinweise hinterlegt.
Instructions for Dispatch repair service:
- In the case of 4-wheeled suitcases, we always replace at minimum two wheels at the side of the handle. Even if only one wheel looks damaged, in fact almost always both wheels are worn out similarily. Within a period of weeks or months, the second wheel of the handle side would - with high probability - be damaged as well.
- Please do not send any loose parts, fittings, bolts, etc. – these can be lost in the daily routine.
- Please allow 2-3 weeks processing time; urgency please note the OUTSIDE of the package, we will then take special effort.
All prices are EUR, including VAT.
On our services, we provide a 2 years warranty.
two-wheeled suitcase | Deutschland (in €) | Schweiz (in CHF) |
Austausch beider Räder beim 2-rädrigen Koffer, intakte Radhäuser vom Kunden ausgebaut | 29,00 | 31,00 |
Replacement of two wheels, submission of a complete suitcase, wheel housings riveted (fully or partially) | 43,00 | 47,00 |
Replacement of two wheels, submission of a complete suitcase, wheel housings bolted | 36,00 | 40,00 |
four-wheeled suitcase | ||
Austausch von 2 Rädern am 4-rädrigen Koffer, Radhalter ausgebaut oder kompletter Koffer (hellgrau) | 22,00 | 24,00 |
Austausch von 4 Rädern am 4-rädrigen Koffer, Radhalter ausgebaut oder kompletter Koffer (hellgrau) | 35,00 | 38,00 |
Austausch von 2 Rädern am 4-rädrigen Koffer, Radhalter ausgebaut oder kompletter Koffer (schwarz, PU) | 25,00 | 28,00 |
Austausch von 4 Rädern am 4-rädrigen Koffer, Radhalter ausgebaut oder kompletter Koffer (schwarz, PU) | 38,00 | 42,00 |
eight-wheeled suitcase | ||
Replacement of 4 wheels on a 8-wheeled suitcase, wheels diameter 50mm | 26,00 | 29,00 |
Replacement of 4 wheels on a 8-wheeled suitcase, wheels diameter 60mm | 29,00 | 31,00 |
Replacement of 8 wheels on a 8-wheeled suitcase, wheels diameter 50mm | 42,00 | 46,00 |
Replacement of 8 wheels on a 8-wheeled suitcase, wheels diameter 60mm | 46,00 | 50,00 |
installation of steel casters | ||
Installation of two castors, wheel gears dismantled by the customer | 26,00 | 29,00 |
Installation of four castors, wheel gears dismantled by the customer | 33,00 | 36,00 |
Installation of two castors, complete suitcase | 35,00 | 38,00 |
Installation of four castors, complete suitcase | 53,00 | 58,00 |
surcharges | ||
immediate repair (per case) | 10,00 | 12,00 |
special sizes: Wheel width under 24mm or wheel diameter above 84mm (per pair) | 6,00 | 6,00 |